Charcuterie boards for dogs and cats

Charcuterie boards for dogs and cats


Charcuterie boards are a super popular way to create a fancy cheese and sausage tray for guests to snack on but have you heard of a barkuterie or a charcaterie? That’s right, you can create one of these trendy hor’s d‘oeuvre platters or snack trays just for your pet. 

Barkuterie or Charcaterie Boards

Whether it’s for the holiday season, a birthday, gotcha day or other celebration, or no occasion at all (hint: check out our calendar of pet holidays if you need inspiration), Vital Essentials has made it easier than ever to share the fun of charcuterie with your pet.

How to Make a Charcuterie Board for Dogs and Cats:

  1. Find a board, platter or tray to display your charcuterie.

  2. Choose your favorite Vital Essentials or Vital Cat treats and VE RAW BAR snacks which work for both dogs and cats. Pick out a few of your dog or cat’s favorite toys for visual appeal.

  3. Arrange the toys, treats and snacks on the board. Get creative and display them in mounds, piles, or in various glasses or bowls. Pro tip: Sprinkle some Vital Essentials Toppers over your charcuterie or add water to make a gravy and pour over the snacks as a finishing touch.

  4. Allow your pet to dig in! Your dog or cat will feel pampered with a customizable tray made with their favorite raw treats. 

Whether you are hoping to prepare a cat charcuterie board (charcaterie) or a dog charcuterie board (barkuterie), the steps above work. Simply fill it with your dog or cat's favorite treats! If you’re looking to build a multi-pet platter for dogs and cats – consider choosing raw bar treats like duck necks or salmon skins that are safe, healthy, and delicious for both dogs and cats.

Get creative and make sure to post photos of your charcaterie or barkuterie on social and tag @vitalessentialsraw.

Is it Safe to Give Dogs or Cats Meat and Cheese?

You might find other charcuterie boards for pets online that include meat and cheese intended for humans. Please play it safe with your pets and stick to the steps and ingredients recommended above and always feed in moderation.

For more information on Vital Essentials and our full product line, follow us on TikTok and Instagram. And if you have any questions, be sure to check out our FAQ page for answers. Together, we can ensure your pet gets the proper nutrition they deserve.