6 Ways to Show Your Rescue Dog You Love Them: Tips for Building a Strong Bond with Your Adopted Pet


6 Ways to Show Your Rescue Dog You Love Them: Tips for Building a Strong Bond with Your Adopted Pet


If you’re one of those lucky families welcoming a rescue dog into your home, here are six ways to show your new rescue dog your love and care.

  1. Be patient with your rescue dog

  2. Be affectionate

  3. Be a positive teacher

  4. Be conscientious with their health

  5. Be their advocate

  6. Be engaged

1. Be Patient With Your Rescue Dog

It’s important to remember that many rescue dogs have had to go through some trauma. Even a few years or a few months in a bad situation represents a large portion of a dog’s lifetime, and that time makes a lasting impression. It’s understandable why many of them have difficulty trusting their new parents after being adopted — it may be love at first sight for you, but your new rescue dog has no idea who you are or what the future will hold.

Our canine companions naturally crave our friendship, but even though many rescue dogs want to trust their new parents, they simply can’t because of the pain they’ve endured. At least, not right away.

Many parents of rescue dogs have discussed how much patience it takes to care for one. You can’t force your love on these dogs, but with patience and comfort, you’ll be able to show them that they have nothing to fear and that you are there to love and care for them.

2. Be Affectionate (When They’re Comfortable)

Rescue dogs will need space, but there are ways you can show your rescue dog affection, including,

  • Petting them on their shoulders, necks, or back softly

  • Giving them belly rubs

  • Scratching them behind the ears

  • Speaking softly with them, even if it’s about nothing in particular

These are all ways to build a good bond between you and your rescue dog. If your dog has been physically abused, it may take some time before they’re comfortable with you touching them. However, when they communicate that they are comfortable, give them gentle and loving affection to show that you aren’t a threat.

3. Be a Positive Teacher

Teaching a dog new tricks is an easy way to bond with them. Most rescue dogs may not have been taught tricks or given obedience lessons in the first place, so this is a good way to establish structure in their lives.

Ensure you use many positive reinforcement methods when training with a rescue dog. Give them constant encouraging praise and reward them with high-value treats when they correctly complete their tasks.

Be consistent in your training with tricks and basic obedience lessons like greeting people politely, walking nicely on the leash, and coming when called.

Teaching your dog tricks in an effective, non-forceful way will show that you are an effective leader that they can trust.

4. Be Conscientious of Their Health

Making your new rescue dog’s physical health a top priority is another way to show you love them. This is especially true if you don’t fully know their background or medical history. Staying on top of the basics, like proper grooming and a healthy diet, goes a long way toward improving your rescue dog’s life and demonstrating that they are valued.

Many neglected dogs have never even known what being properly groomed is like since, in many cases, their previous owners will not have done it for them. Many rescue dogs may be fearful of this new experience, so go slow and don’t do anything they aren’t comfortable with. Reading your dog’s body language and verbal cues will be essential to know what they aren’t and are comfortable with. After they become comfortable with it, your dog will be grateful for the experience.

Feeding your new rescue dog a healthy, protein-rich diet is another key way to support their overall well-being and health. Not only will your new pup appreciate the savory taste of real meat, but they’ll also feel much better with a full stomach and proper nutrition.

5. Be Their Advocate

Many people think of dogs as protectors, meant to do any and everything to keep their owners safe. However, you should reciprocate that energy, especially when the dog in question is a rescue dog.

These dogs may have never had anyone to protect them until this point, nor to stop uncomfortable or dangerous situations from occurring. They crave that parent who makes them feel safe, and you should be it for them.

For example, if you’re taking your dog for a walk and someone asks to pet them, yet you can see that your dog is uncomfortable, politely decline and remove your dog from the situation. Even if this feels awkward or rude, it’s time to be assertive and stand up for your dog. It’s worth a random stranger thinking you’re rude if it shows your new rescue dog that you’ve got their back.

6. Be Engaged

Most of all, be engaged and active with your pup!

Your new rescue dog may be accustomed to being neglected or ignored. They may have been simply living in someone’s house or backyard without being given much attention.

Yet dogs naturally love our attention and love to engage with and interact with us. By giving your new rescue pup your 100% undivided attention through games, walks, and playtime, you’re showing them you value them and enjoy the new connection you share.

Walking, running, and playing with your rescue dog are great ways to show you care. This is important bonding time that requires you to be around your dog and can serve to build trust.

The more positive experiences you can have with your new pet, the better!

Adopting a rescue dog can be a difficult process. These dogs have often been abused, neglected, and mistreated by their previous owners. As a result, many may need help to trust humans again immediately. With patience, care, empathy, and a gentle approach, you can earn their trust in time — and show your new pet that there are only good days ahead.

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